lyric - meaning and definition. What is lyric
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What (who) is lyric - definition

Lyric (disambiguation); The Lyric

Language for Your Remote Instruction by Computer. A CAI language implemented as a Fortran preprocessor. ["Computer Assisted Instruction: Specification of Attributes for CAI Programs and Programmers", G.M. Silvern et al, Proc ACM 21st Natl Conf (1966)]. (1994-10-12)
The lyrics of a song are its words.
...Kurt Weill's Broadway opera with lyrics by Langston Hughes.
N-COUNT: usu pl
Lyric poetry is written in a simple and direct style, and usually expresses personal emotions such as love.
...Lawrence's splendid short stories and lyric poetry.
·noun The words of a song.
II. Lyric ·noun A composer of lyric poems.
III. Lyric ·noun A lyric poem; a lyrical composition.
IV. Lyric ·adj ·Alt. of Lyrical.
V. Lyric ·noun A verse of the kind usually employed in lyric poetry;
- used chiefly in the plural.



Lyric may refer to:

  • Lyrics, the words, often in verse form, which are sung, usually to a melody, and constitute the semantic content of a song
  • Lyric poetry is a form of poetry that expresses a subjective, personal point of view
  • Lyric, from the Greek language, a song that is played with a lyre
  • Lyric describes, in the classification of the human voice in European classical music, a specific vocal weight and a range at the upper end of the given voice part
  • RTÉ lyric fm, a radio station in Ireland
  • Lyric (group), a rhythm and blues girl group
  • "Lyric" (song), a single released in June 2003 by Zwan
  • Lyric Hearing, an extended wear hearing aid
  • The Lyric (magazine), a North American poetry magazine
  • The Lyric (album), a 2005 jazz album by Jim Tomlinson and Stacey Kent
Pronunciation examples for lyric
1. and lyric.
Cleanness _ Garth Greenwell _ Talks at Google
2. Everybody knows every lyric.
Broadway's Hamilton _ Talks at Google
3. and lyric writing.
Broadway's Tootsie _ Talks at Google
4. I wrote this lyric.
Off-Broadway's Alice by Heart _ Duncan Sheik + More _ Talks at Google
5. or a lyric mezzo.
The Physiology of Opera Singers _ Sheri Greenawald _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of lyric
1. U2 win the search for the nation‘s favourite pop lyric.
2. Though not necessarily her appreciation of lyric poetry.
3. Singers coached by Pearlman at Lyric included Matthew Polenzani, Maria Kanyova, Erin Wall, Dina Kuznetsova, Nicole Cabell, David Cangelosi and Christopher Feigum, said Lyric general director William Mason.
4. Ballparks once were a kind of lyric poetry of place.
5. Flowergirl÷ What is your favourite song lyric ever?